Lt. General Michael Flynn

The Real Manchurian Candidate

Jonathan Taplin
3 min readJul 10, 2016


On the day that the Washington Post is confirming that Donald Trump is seriously considering former Lt General Michael Flynn as his running mate, I heard a story that was both scary and credible. It was told to me by a journalist who has very high ranking sources in U.S. Intelligence. I have no way of vouching for the veracity of the story, but it sure is facinating. The story involves General Flynn, who headed the Defense Intelligence Agency between 2012 and 2014. Flynn was forced out after he clashed with Obama administration officials and has publicly been very critical of Obama foreign policy. Within a year of his dismissal, Flynn was working as an occaisional on-air analyst for Vladimir Putin’s international propaganda TV network, RT. In December 2015 Flynn was flown to Moscow by Putin to celebrate the tenth anniversary of RT.

But Flynn’s attendance at the RT “gala celebration,” including a special seat at the head table at the anniversary dinner, suggests that this retired officer, who attained a three-star rank during a 33-year Army career, views Russia as a potential U.S. ally in the war on terror.

By March of 2016, not only was Flynn writing op-eds for RT, but he was regularly advising Donald Trump and being mentioned as a potential VP choice. So why would Trump be interested in a General who was on Putin’s payroll? According to my source, Putin has been engaged in trying to effect the outcome of the 2016 election since early 2013. Whether Flynn is the conduit for that aid is an open question.

Putin’s help for Trump begins in March of 2013 when RT published several emails between Hillary Clinton and her close confidant Sid Blumenthal “as a public service.”

On the back of widespread public interest RT has decided to publish in their entirety a series of memos which were allegedly sent from a one-time White House aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The emails, which were allegedly sent by former political adviser Sidney Blumenthal to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were forwarded to RT by a hacker using the alias “Guccifer.” Guccifer was credited with hacking the AOL email account of Blumenthal last week, though the authenticity of the emails has not been verified.

This revelation is the first open disclosure that Clinton was using a private email server, which lead directly to the FBI investigation of Clinton’s activity. Guccifer has subsequently been revealed to be a contract hacker for the Russian secret service. Not content to just leave it there, Putin had Guccifer hack the files of the Clinton Foundation and the Democratic National Committee in early 2016. My friend’s intelligence sources believe the contents of these hacks may turn up in Trump’s opposition research file. The intelligence forces also note that Trump has had previous ties to the Russian mob.

So here is the Manchurian Candidate part of the story. What if Trump does choose General Flynn as his Vice President? What if the Trump/Flynn ticket, with help from Putin (and perhaps ISIS chaos) win in November? And then what if Trump resigns?

Presented in a recent interview with a scenario, floating around the political ether, in which the presumptive Republican nominee proves all the naysayers wrong, beats Hillary Clinton and wins the presidency, only to forgo the office as the ultimate walk-off winner, Mr. Trump flashed a mischievous smile.

“I’ll let you know how I feel about it after it happens,” he said minutes before leaving his Trump Tower office to fly to a campaign rally in New Hampshire.

Then Putin’s sometime employee, Michael Flynn, would be President of the United States.



Jonathan Taplin
Jonathan Taplin

Written by Jonathan Taplin

Director Emeritus, USC Annenberg Innovation Lab. Producer/Author, “Mean Streets”, “Move Fast & Break Things”. New book, “The Magic Years”, out 3/21.

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